Whitstable Maritime: regular supporters and partners

We are grateful to these partners for their current and continued support and regular help with donations of one form or another. Without them, our charitable work would not be possible:

  • Brett Aggregates: for use of East Quay as Whitstable's only heritage boat building yard
  • Canterbury City Council Harbour Board: for South Quay site and berth of our heritage boat ship yard
  • Canterbury Foundry Brewery: for producing Gamecock Rum, available to buy
  • Goldfinch Trust: for financial assistance with restoring Gamecock
  • Sue King & Kevin Clarkson: for providing donations from sales of beautiful marine art inspired by Gamecock
  • Whitstable Photographic Company: for annual donations & photography for all our website and charitable work

Thank you to the following people and organisations that have offered help and support:

  • Alan Staley Boatbuilders: for expert advice and offering Gamecock’s mast
  • Barton Marine Equipment: for the offer of marine supplies
  • Icom UK Ltd: for offering marine radio and navigational equipment
  • Iron Wharf Boatyard: for providing a winter mud-berth
  • Juton Paints: for the offer to supply marine paints
  • National Historic Ships UK: for advice, publicity and support
  • Port of London Authority: for donating print costs of  an edition of our Coastal Trail
  • SEAG8: for offering assistance with a marine engine
  • Shepherd Neame: for a donation towards Gamecock's restoration
  • Timber Tasks: for help sourcing specialist timber
  • Whitstable Improvement Trust: for donations for purchase of timber
  • Whitstable Marine: for offering chandlery services
  • Whitstable Oyster Company: for acting as financier of last resort
  • Wilkinson Sails: for technical advice and manufacture of sails
  • Private individual donors: the generous individuals who have donated their money to help support our charitable work